2 Vacant Lots in St. Francis County, AR. (1) Legal: WAS #7373 (50′ x 150′) 7,500 sq. ft. Lot 68 Forrest City Addition Fussell SD: 07C. Parcel #0734-00068-0000. There is no site address for the parcel other than, N. Izard St. Forrest City, AR 72335. According to the Assessor, the parcel is zoned residential, has water and electric nearby and is in Forrest City, AR. The 2024 taxes of approx. $55.17 have not been paid. The past due tax amount is approx. $179.67 (includes 2022, 2023 and 2024). (2) Legal: DIV PT SW COR MOORE’S SUB DIV -RE-SUB GRAHAM & HOWE Lot 14, Block 7, Forrest City SD 07C, 1,273 sq. ft. Parcel #0757-00027-0000. There is no site address for the parcel other than, W. Cook Ave. Forrest City, Arkansas 72335. The 2024 taxes of approx. $4.54 have not been paid. The past due tax amount is approx. $60.81 (includes 2022, 2023 and 2024) The picture below is of the general area in St. Francis County, not of these particular parcels.
CSAssets specializes in the liquidation of Bankruptcy Assets and Personal Assets. This is a Personal Asset. All Assets are sold “AS IS and WHERE IS” with no warranties implied or stated. The Seller is not responsible for issues, if any, with the title, the condition of the property, accessibility or terrain. All information contained in this listing has come from reliable sources and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. The Buyer will be entirely responsible for this property after the sale, including but not limited to: paying any fees associated with the transfer of the property, the recording of the deed and transfer of Title and the gathering of any documentation necessary for that process. CSAssets will provide the Buyer with a Quit Claim Deed for the property. CSAssets recommends all bidders perform their own due diligence PRIOR to bidding on this item. Please read all sections of the ad carefully, particularly for real estate sales.
LIENS Past due taxes of approx. $240.48 total, payable by the Buyer. We do not know of any other liens.
St. Francis County was formed in October 1827, by the legislature of the Arkansas Territory, taking a part of Phillips County. It is names for the St. Francis River that flows across it. The landscape of the County is rich, flat farmland in the eastern and western halves and rolling hills in the center. The county seat is Forrest City. Forrest City was named for confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forrest City is often referred to as “The Jewel of the Delta”. Its conveniently located between Memphis and Little Rock on Interstate 40, which makes it a great base of operations for those who don’t mind doing a bit of traveling to see many of the region’s most popular sites.
This is all we know about this asset. A title search has NOT been performed on this item. CSAssets does not provide title insurance. If title insurance is desired, the buyer will be responsible for obtaining it through a Title Company. A document preparation fee of $250 will apply and will be included in the total of your invoice. Any fees/liens owing on this item are not part of the final bidding price. Serious Bidders Only. A bid submitted by a potential Buyer is an agreement to our Terms. Potential Buyers should not bid unless the fully intend to complete the sale.
Item ID: Rhodes06
Owner Name: Gene Rhodes